


姚建安Chien-An Yao 我要掛號 回列表



  • 臺大醫院 主治醫師 --迄今
    臺大醫院 臨床助理教授 --迄今
    1. CA Yao, TY Chiu, WY Hu. A Study of Initial Assessment of Palliative Care: The Viewpoints of Caregivers. Chin J. Fam. Med. 1997; 7: 174-81
    2. TY Chiu, WY HU, CA Yao, Ethic dilemmas in palliative care: a multicenter study in Taiwan. J. Formosan Med. Asso. 1998 Dec.(in press)
    3. Chiu TY, Hu WY, Lue BH, Yao CA, Chen CY, Wakai S. Dyspnea and its correlates in taiwanese patients with terminal cancer. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2004 Aug;28(2):123-32