


張皓翔Hao-Hsiang Chang 我要掛號 回列表



  • 臺大醫院 主治醫師 --迄今
    臺大醫學院 臨床助理教授 2020--迄今
    台灣大學保健中心 主任 2021--迄今
  • 台灣大學 醫學院 醫學系 M.D. 1997-
    台灣大學 公共衛生學院 預防醫學研究所 M.Sc. 2004-
  • 台大醫學院家庭醫學部 兼任講師 -
    台大醫院北護分院家庭醫學科 主治醫師 2006-2011
    台大醫院雲林分院家庭醫學科 主治醫師 2005-2006
    • 會員, 台灣家庭醫學醫學會
    • 會員, 台灣安寧緩和醫療醫學會
    • 會員, 台灣肥胖醫學會
    • 秘書長, 台灣老人醫學會
    • 秘書長, 台灣醫用營養醫學會
    1. Lee SP, Wu WY, Hsiao JK, Zhou JH, Chang HH, Chien CT. Aromatherapy: Activating olfactory calcium-sensing receptors impairs renal hemodynamics via sympathetic nerve-mediated vasoconstriction. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 2018:e13157.
    2. Lu CW, Chang YK, Lee YH, et al. Increased Risk for Major Depressive Disorder in Severely Obese Patients after Bariatric Surgery - a 12-year Nationwide Cohort Study. Ann Med 2018:1-30.
    3. Chung YH, Chang HH, Lu CW, Huang KC, Guo FR. Addition of one session with a specialist counselor did not increase efficacy of a family physician-led smoking cessation program. J Int Med Res 2018:300060518780151.
    4. Chang HH, Chien CY, Chen KH, Huang SC, Chien CT. Catechins Blunt the Effects of oxLDL and its Primary Metabolite Phosphatidylcholine Hydroperoxide on Endothelial Dysfunction Through Inhibition of Oxidative Stress and Restoration of eNOS in Rats. Kidney Blood Press Res 2017;42:919-32.
    5. Chang HH, Chang YK, Lu CW, et al. Statins Improve Long Term Patency of Arteriovenous Fistula for Hemodialysis. Sci Rep 2016;6:22197.
    6. Huang RY, Yang KC, Chang HH, Lee LT, Lu CW, Huang KC. The Association between Total Protein and Vegetable Protein Intake and Low Muscle Mass among the Community-Dwelling Elderly Population in Northern Taiwan. Nutrients 2016;8.
    7. Kuo CS, Lu CW, Chang YK, et al. Effectiveness of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine on diabetic elderly. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016;95:e4064.
    8. Lu CW, Chang HH, Yang KC, Kuo CS, Lee LT, Huang KC. High serum selenium levels are associated with increased risk for diabetes mellitus independent of central obesity and insulin resistance. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2016;4:e000253.
    9. Yang KC, Hung HF, Lu CW, Chang HH, Lee LT, Huang KC. Association of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with Metabolic Syndrome Independently of Central Obesity and Insulin Resistance. Sci Rep 2016;6:27034.
    10. Lu CW, Chang YK, Chang HH, et al. Fracture Risk After Bariatric Surgery: A 12-Year Nationwide Cohort Study. Medicine (Baltimore) 2015;94:e2087.
    11. Huang CY, Chang HH, Lu CW, Tseng FY, Lee LT, Huang KC. Vitamin D status and risk of metabolic syndrome among non-diabetic young adults. Clin Nutr 2015;34:484-9.
    12. Chen YL, Yang KC, Chang HH, Lee LT, Lu CW, Huang KC. Low serum selenium level is associated with low muscle mass in the community-dwelling elderly. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2014;15:807-11.
    13. Lu CW, Yang KC, Chang HH, Lee LT, Chen CY, Huang KC. Sarcopenic obesity is closely associated with metabolic syndrome. Obes Res Clin Pract 2013;7:e301-7.
    14. Wu CH, Yang KC, Chang HH, Yen JF, Tsai KS, Huang KC. Sarcopenia is related to increased risk for low bone mineral density. J Clin Densitom 2013;16:98-103.
    15. Han DS, Chen YM, Lin SY, et al. Serum myostatin levels and grip strength in normal subjects and patients on maintenance haemodialysis. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2011;75:857-63.
    16. Chang HH, Tsai SL, Chen CY, Liu WJ. Outcomes of hospitalized elderly patients with geriatric syndrome: report of a community hospital reform plan in Taiwan. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2010;50 Suppl 1:S30-3.
    17. Chang HH, Hu WY, Tsai SS, Yao CA, Chen CY, Chiu TY. Reflections on an end-of-life care course for preclinical medical students. J Formos Med Assoc 2009;108:636-43.
    18. Tsai SS, Hu WY, Chang HH, Chang SC, Chen CY, Chiu TY. Effects of a multimodule curriculum of palliative care on medical students. J Formos Med Assoc 2008;107:326-33.