期刊 |
- Hsiao-Ching Yen*, Jer-Junn Luh, Ting Teng, Guan-Shuo Pan, Wen-Shiang Chen, Chiang-Chang Hsun, Jiann-Shing Jeng. Reliability of lower extremity muscle strength measurements with handheld dynamometry in stroke patients during the acute phase: A pilot reliability study. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2017;29(2):317-322. (SCI)
- 洪慶玲, 嚴筱晴*。早期活動介入於蜘蛛腦膜下腔出血併發顱內出血個案之報告。台灣醫學 2017;21(5):458-467。
- Hsiao-Ching Yen*, Jiann-Shing Jeng, Wen-Shiang Chen, Ting Teng. Motor Recovery and Milestone Achievement in the Acute Phase of Stroke: Evaluation Based on Lesion Location. Open Access Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine 2017;3. (in press)(Open Access)
- Huang TS, Lin JJ*, Ou HL, Chen YT. Movement Pattern of Scapular Dyskinesis in Symptomatic Overhead Athletes. Sci Rep 2017;7:6621. (IF:4.847;(MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES) 8/64)
- Du WY, Huang TS, Hsu KC, Lin JJ*. Measurement of scapular medial border and inferior angle prominence using a novel scapulometer: a reliability and validity study. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2017;32:120-126. (IF: 2.520;(REHABILITAION) 13/65)
- Chien-Chih Huang, Wen-Shiang Chen, Mei-Wun Tsai and Wendy Tzyy-Jiuan Wang* Comparing the Chinese versions of two knee-specific questionnaires (IKDC and KOOS): reliability, validity, and responsiveness. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2017) 15:238 (SCIE, IF=2.143 2016)
- Lai CC, Wang TG, TU YK, Huang YT, Chien KL. Comparative Effectiveness of Exercise in the Management of Sarcopenia in Older People: A Network Meta-Analysis. Age and Ageing (SCI, 2017/10/16 accepted)
- 楊名廷、李庭蓁*。顱內硬腦膜動靜脈廔管造成脊髓病變之個案報告。物理治療 2017;42(1):12-9。
- 邱元駿、蕭淑芳*。一位經全吸收式心臟支架放置術後之進行性冠狀動脈心臟病患者的物理治療介入過程-個案報告。物理治療 2017;42:106-4。
壁報展示 |
- Kang FJ, Lin KY, Lin JJ*. EMG muscle activity of middle trapezius and lower trapezius during arm elevation in subjects with and without shoulder impingement . Meeting of Taiwan Physical Therapy Association, Taiwan, 2017/9/23
- Huang TS, Ou HL, Huang CY, Lin JJ*. Movement characteristics in patients with scapular dyskinesis: a principal component analysis. The 18th World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. 2017/7/2-4
- Du WY, Huang TS, Hsu KC, Lin JJ*. Psychometric properties of a scapular dyskinesis measurement instrument. The 18th World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. 2017/7/2-4
- Huang LY, Huang TS, Du WY, Lin JJ*. Diagnostic Values of Pectoralis Minor Index in Subjects with Scapular Dyskinesis. The 18th World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. 2017/7/2-4
- Huang LY, Huang TS, Du WY, Lin JJ*. Pectoralis Minor Index in Differentiating Subjects with Symptomatic Scapula Dyskinesis. Meeting of Taiwan Physical Therapy Association, Taiwan, 2017/3
- 魏孝臻、廖華芳、潘懿玲*。應用以家庭為中心概念促進家長與兒童參與:個案報告。第七屆ICF學術研討暨論文發表大會。台北。106/03/18。
- 王馨云、李庭蓁* 。物理治療介入對於乳癌第四期合併脊椎病理性骨折造成半身不遂病人功能恢復之成效:個案報告。 (擔任通訊作者) 台灣物理治療學會第七十三次學術論文研討會。台北。2017/03
- 嚴筱晴、潘冠碩、李亞芸、陸哲駒。Comparison of the Benefits between the Application of Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) on the Postural Control and Mobility Ability in Acute Stroke Patients. 物理治療. 2017;42(2):168-169.(臺灣物理治療學會第七十二次學術論文研討會, 2017, 3-18,台北)
- 嚴筱晴。舒適感硬式治療型鞋墊之研究與開發。物理治療 2017;42(2):157-158。(臺灣物理治療學會第七十二次學術論文研討會, 2017, 3-18,台北)