


劉震鐘Chen-Chung Liu 我要掛號 回列表

副教授 / 主治醫師,主治醫師


  • 臺大醫院精神醫學部 主治醫師 2004--迄今
    台大醫學院精神科 副教授 --迄今
  • 美國約翰霍普金斯大學 公共衛生學院 博士 -
    國立台灣大學醫學院 醫學系 畢業 -
  • 桃園居善醫院精神科 主治醫師 2000-2001
    衛生署八里療養院成人精神科 主治醫師 1996-1999
    衛生署八里療養院成人精神科 主任 1999-2000
  • 急性住院及日間病房病患照護、一般精神科門診急診 、早期精神分裂症研究

  • 1. Liu CC, Lai MC, Liu CM, Chiu YN, Hsieh MH, Hwang TJ, Chien YL, Chen WJ, Hua MS, Hsiung PJ, Huang YC, Hwu HG. Follow-up of subjects with suspected pre-psychotic state in Taiwan. Schizophrenia Research 2011;126:65-70.

    2. Liu CC*, Chang LR, Tseng HH, Lai MC, Hwu HG Differential propensity in recognition of pre-psychotic phenomena among mental health professionals. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 2010;4:275-282.

    3. Liu CC*, Hwu HG, Chiu YN, Lai MC, Tseng HH Creating a platform to bridge service and research for early psychosis. J Formos Med Assoc 2010;109:543-549.

    4. Liu CC*, Sheu YH, Wu SZ, Lai MC, Hwu HG. Rapid response to antipsychotic treatment on psychotic prodrome: implications from a case series. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2010;64:202-206.

    5. Liu CC*, Chiu YC, Chiu YN, Lai MC, Hwu HG. Mental health literacy: impact of newspaper report on increasing recognition of psychotic prodrome. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 2009;23:320-330.

    6. Huang HC, Liu CM, Liu CC*. Psychiatric manifestations in systemic lupus erythematosus mimic psychotic prodrome: a case report. General Hospital Psychiatry 2010;32:e3-4.

    7. Chiang CL, Liu CC* Micturition difficulty associated with aripiprazole: report of 2 cases. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;31:128-129.

    8. Chiang HL, Liu CC*, Hwang TJ Rapid dose-dependent effect of clozapine on a schizophrenic patient's lipid profile. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2009;23:465-467.

    9. Liu CC*, Chiang HL, Wu SY Applying long-acting injectable antipsychotics in first-episode schizophrenia to achieve first remission. CNS Drugs 2008;22:257-258.

    10. Wu SY , Liu CC*, Hsieh MH Successful re-exposure to clozapine following uneventful rechallenge with olanzapine in a patient with neutropenia related to both agents. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2008;32:1089-1090.

    11. Liu CC*, Liang KY, Liao SC Antidepressant-associated mania: soon after switch from fluoxetine to mirtazapine in an elderly woman with mixed depressive features. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2009;23:220-222.

    12. Huang WL, Lin YT, Liu CC* Bouffee Delirante: A Case of a Young Haitian Man in Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 2010;24:227-231.

    13. Liu CM, Liu YL, Fann CS, Yang WC, Wu JY, Hung SI, Chen WJ, Chueh CM, Liu WM, Liu CC, Hsieh MH, Hwang TJ, Faraone SV, Tsuang MT, Hwu HG. No association evidence between schizophrenia and dystrobrevin-binding protein 1 (DTNBP1) in Taiwanese families. Schizophrenia Research 2007;93:391-398.

    14. Liu YL, Fann CS, Liu CM, Chang CC, Yang WC, Hung SI, Yu SL, Hwang TJ, Hsieh MH, Liu CC, Tsuang MM, Wu JY, Jou YS, Faraone SV, Tsuang MT, Chen WJ, Hwu HG More evidence supports the association of PPP3CC with schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry 2007;12:966-974.

    15. Liu SK, Hsieh MH, Huang TJ, Liu CM, Liu CC, Hua MS, Chen WJ, Hwu HG Patterns and clinical correlates of neuropsychologic deficits in patients with schizophrenia. J Formos Med Assoc 2006;105:978-991.

    16. Shan JC , Hsieh MH, Liu CC, Wen CC, Liu CM Clinical alertness to valproic acid-induced hyperammonemia--two case reports. . Journal of Psychopharmacology 2010;24:943-945.

    17. Liu CC*, Wissow L. Residents who stay late at hospital and how they perform the following day. Medical Education 2008;42:74-81.

    18. Liu CC*, Wissow L. How post-call resident doctors perform, feel and are perceived in out-patient clinics. Medical Education 2011;45:669-77

    19. Liu CC, Chen CH, Hwu HG, Shiue SY, Hua MS, Chen CH, Hwang TJ, Liu CM, Hsieh MH, Liu SK, Chen WJ Medium-term course and outcome of schizophrenia depicted by the sixth-month subtype after an acute episode. J Formos Med Assoc (In press)

    20. Lin HY, Chiu YN, Liu CC* Is symptomatic treatment an option for a boy with clinically significant psychotic-like experiences and depressed mood? European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2012;262:179-80

    21. Huang GH, Tsai HH, Hwu HG, Chen CH, Liu CC, Hua MS, Chen WJ. Patient subgroups of schizophrenia based on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale: composition and transition between acute and subsided disease states. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2011:52: 469-478

    22. Chang LRLin YH, Kuo TBJChang HCW, Liu CM, Liu CC, Hwu HGYang CCH Autonomic modulation and health-related quality of life among schizophrenic patients treated with non-intensive case management. PLOS ONE (In press)

    23. Lin HY, Lin CC, Liu CC* Hypomania associated with adjunctive aripiprazole in an elder female with recurrent major depressive disorder: dose related phenomenon? Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (In press)

    24. Chang LR, Lin YH, Wu Chang HC, Chen YZ, Huang WL, Liu CM, Liu CC*, Hwu HG Psychopathology, rehospitalization, and quality of life among patients with schizophrenia under home care case management in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc (In press)

    * corresponding author