


廖士程Shih-Cheng Liao 回列表



  • 國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院新竹臺大分院精神醫學部 主任 2022--迄今
    台大醫院性騷擾申訴及防治委員會 委員 2015--迄今
    台大醫院醫療爭議關懷小組 成員 2010--迄今
    台大醫院品質管理中心 品管顧問醫師 2012--迄今
  • 國立台灣大學 公衛學院流行病學與預防醫學 博士 -
  • 台灣大學學生事務處學生心理輔導中心 兼任主任 2018-2022
    台大醫院精神醫學部心身醫學科 主任 2017-2022
    台大醫院精神醫學部急性病房 主任 2012-2018
    台大醫院住院醫師訓練計畫精神醫學部 課程主任 -
    台大醫院臨床倫理委員會政策研議與教育小組 委員 -
    台大醫院研究倫理委員會 委員 -
    台大醫院TCPI精神科指標 主持人 -
    台灣憂鬱症防治協會 理事長 -
    警政署署本部 心理輔導諮詢委員 -
    司法院司法人員研習所醫事案件實務研討會 -
    衛生福利部委辦全國自殺防治中心 計畫執行長 -
    臺北市政府心理健康委員會 委員 -
    新竹市心理健康推動小組 委員 -
    衛生署食品藥物管理局醫療使用管制藥品審核會 委員 -
    財團法人保險事業發展中心保險申訴調處委員會 委員 -
    台灣自殺防治學會 常務理事 -
    台灣老年精神醫學會 常務監事 -
    台灣基因體暨遺傳學會 監事 -
    台灣皮質醛酮症學會 監事 -
    1. 常見精神疾患藥物治療
    2. 心身醫學、身體化症、醫學教育以及與其他科別界面臨床研究
    3. 綜合醫院照會聯商精神醫學臨床實務與督導
    4. 憂鬱症與自殺行為公共衛生與流行病學研究
  • 論文著作(2020.09-2023.08)

    1.     Huang WL, Liao SC, Wu CS, Chiu YT: Clarifying the Link between Psychopathologies and Heart Rate Variability, and the Sex Differences: Can Neuropsychological Features Serve as Mediators? JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDER. 2023.AUG;340:250-57.

    2.     Chen YL, Liao WH, Wang SH, Lien YJ, Chang CM, Liao SC, Huang WL, Wu CS: Changes in employment status and income before and after newly diagnosed depressive disorders in Taiwan: a matched cohort study using controlled interrupted time series analysis. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRIC SCIENCES. 2023.JUN;30:e41.

    3.     Li HC, Chen CC, Yeh TY, Liao SC, Hsu AS, Wei YC, Shun SC, Ku SC, Inouye SK: Predicting Hospital Mortality and Length of Stay: A Prospective Cohort Study Comparing the Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist Versus Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit. AUSTRALIAN CRITICAL CARE. 2023.MAY;36:378-84.

    4.     Chen YL, Tseng CH, Cheong ML, Lien YJ, Wang SH, Chang CM, Liao SC, Wu CS: Associations between antenatal education program and mental health outcomes in Taiwan: A population-based cohort study. PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH. 2023 Apr;322:115128.

    5.     Chen IM, Lin TY, Chien YL, Chen JY, Chan JH, Liao SC, Kuo PH, Chen HC: The associations between working conditions and subjective sleep quality among female migrant care workers. FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH. 2023.APR;11:1094513.

    6.     Wang TY, Chen HC, Hsu CD, Chen IM, Liao SC, Chang CE: The mediating effects of personality traits on the relationship of youth conduct problems and mood disorders with adulthood suicidality. SCIENTIFIC REPORT. 2023.MAR;15:4292.

    7.     Kimbrel NA, Ashley-Koch AE, Qin XJ, et al: Identification of novel, replicable genetic risk loci for suicidal thoughts and behaviors among US military veterans. JAMA PSYCHIATRY. 2023.FEB;80:135-45.

    8.     Huang WL, Chang SS, Wu SC, Liao SC: Population-based prevalence of somatic symptom disorder and comorbid depression and anxiety in Taiwan. ASIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2023.JAN;79:103382. (Corresponding author)

    9.     Huang WL, Chiang CL, Wu SC, Liao SC, Chien TH, Tseng CH, Tang CH: Treatment patterns and healthcare utilization of patients with treatment-resistant depression estimated using health insurance database: a population-based study from Taiwan. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDER. 2022.DEC;319:40-47. (Co-corresponding author)

    10.   Huang WC, Liao SC, Huang WL: Chronicity of somatic distress and healthy anxiety in patients with somatic symptom disorder: One-year follow-up. JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF CONSULTATION-LIAISON PSYCHIATRY. 2022.DEC;63:647-649.

    11.   Huang WL, Cheng YC, Liao SC: A simple version of resting-state heart rate variability interpretation for patients with affective disorders: A four-pattern perspective. KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES. 2022.NOV;38:1123-1132. (Corresponding author)

    12.   Wu CS, Liao SC, Huang WL: Use of machine learning to diagnose somatic symptom disorder: Are the biomarkers beneficial for the diagnosis? WORLD JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. 2022.NOV;doi: 10.1080/15622975.2022.2149853.

    13.   Hung YA, Liao SC, Chang SS, Chang CM, Yang AC, Chien YL, Wu CS, Gau SS: Population-attributable risk of psychiatric disorders for suicide among adolescents and young adults in Taiwan. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE. 2022.NOV;1-10.

    14.   Su MH, Liao SC, Chen HC, Lu ML, Chen WY, Hsiao PC, Chen CH, Huang MC, Kuo PH: The association of personality polygenic risk score, psychosocial protective factors and suicide attempt in mood disorder. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH. 2022.OCT;156:422-428.

    15.   Wang HH, Chang CM, Chang SS, Yang AC, Liu YH, Liao SC, Wu CS: Ten-year trends in depression care in Taiwan. JOURNAL OF FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. 2022.OCT;121:2001-2011.

    16.   Chang TY, Liao SC, Chang CM, Wu SC, Huang WL, Hwang JJ, Hsu CC: Barriers to depression care among middle-aged and older adults in Taiwan's universal healthcare system. LANCET REGIONAL HEALTH-WESTERN PACIFIC. 2022;SEP:100501. (Co-first author)

    17.   Huang WL, Chang SS, Liao SC: The psychological features of distinct somatic syndromes: a cluster analysis according to population-based somatic symptom profiles in Taiwan. JOURNAL OF FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. 2022.SEP;121:1813-22. (Corresponding author)

    18.   Huang WL, Ko LC, Liao SC: The Association between Heart Rate Variability and Skin Conductance: A Correlation Analysis in Healthy Individuals and Patients with Somatic Symptom Disorder Comorbid with Depression and Anxiety. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH. 2022.SEP;50:30006. (Corresponding author)

    19.   Liao SC, Lee MB: The Evaluation of an Integrative Curriculum for Physician-patient Relationship and Emotional Resilience: from Medical College to Post-graduate Year. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2022.SEP;26:149-159.

    20.   Chen WH, Hsieh MH, Liao SC, Liu CC, Liu CM, Wu CS, Lin YT, Hwang TJ, Chien YL: A quarter of century after: The changing ecology of psychiatric emergency services. ASIA-PACIFIC PSYCHIATRY. 2022.SEP;14:e12487.

    21.   Shan JC, Chen IM, Lin PH, Chen WJ, Liao SC, Lee MB, Kuo PH: Associations between Lifetime Mental Disorders and Suicidal Behaviors: Findings from the Taiwan Psychiatry Morbidity Survey. SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2022.AUG;57:1579-89. (Co-corresponding author)

    22.   Hung WK, Tung TH, Wang TY, Liao SC, Chi CC: Risk for incident suicidality among psoriasis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. ARCHIVES OF DERMATOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2022.AUG;doi: 10.1007/s00403-022-02377-5.

    23.   Shan JC, Chen IM, Lin PH, Chen WJ, Liao SC, Lee MB, Kuo PH: Prevalence and Correlates of Suicidal Behaviors in the Taiwan Psychiatric Morbidity Survey. JOURNAL OF FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. 2022.JUL;121:1238-47. (Co-corresponding author)

    24.   Chang YH, Lin CY, Liao SC, Chen YY, Shaw FF, Hsu CY, Gunnell D, Chang SS: Societal Factors and Psychological Distress Indicators Associated with the Recent Rise in Youth Suicide in Taiwan: A Time Trend Analysis. AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 2022.JUL;48674221108640.

    25.   黃富源,張必正,廖士程,林其瑾,張哲瑞:醫療安全暨品質研討系列《118》提升員工復原力. 臺灣醫界. 2022.JUL;65:27-29.

    26.   Chen IM, Chen YY, Liao SC, Lin YH: Development of Digital Biomarkers of Mental Illness via Mobile Apps for Personalized Treatment and Diagnosis. JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE. 2022.JUN;12:doi:10.3390/jpm12060936.

    27.   陳宜明, 李明濱, 陳俊鶯, 廖士程:台灣非戶籍所在縣市自殺死亡的區域社經因素分析. 台灣公共衛生雜誌. 2022.APR;41:156-168. (通訊作者)

    28.   Mullins N, Kang J, Campos et al.: Dissecting the shared genetic architecture of suicide attempt, psychiatric disorders, and known risk factors. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. 2022.FEB;91:313-327.

    29.   Wu CY, Lee MB, Huong PTT, Chan CT, Chen CY, Liao SC: The impact of COVID-19 stressors on psychological distress and suicidality in a nationwide community survey in Taiwan. SCIENTIFIC REPORT. 2022.FEB;12:2696.

    30.   Chin WS, Liao SC, Pan SC, Guo YL: Occupational and non-occupational injuries can result in prolonged augmentation of psychiatric disorders. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2022.JAN;32:12-20.

    31.   Wu CT, Huang HC, Huang S, Chen IM, Liao SC, Chen CK, Lin C, Lee SH, Chen MH, Tsai CF, Weng CH, Ko LW, Jung TP, Liu YH: Resting-state EEG signal for major depressive disorder detection: a systematic validation on a large and diverse dataset. BIOSENSORS(BASEL). 2021.DEC;11:499.

    32.   Wu CS, Yang AC, Chang SS, Chang CM, Liu YH, Liao SC, Tsai HJ: Validation of machine learning-based individualized treatment for depressive disorder using target trial emulation. JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE. 2021.DEC;11:1316.

    33.   黃薇嘉, 陳宜明, 陳錫中, 廖士程:新冠肺炎之精神醫學觀. 台灣醫學. 2021.NOV;25:815-823. (通訊作者)

    34.   Chen CW, Tsai CH, Hung CS, Tsai IJ, Chiu YW, Chang CC, Liu KL, Liao SC, Wu VC, Lin YH: Comparison of cystatin C-based and creatinine-based glomerular filtration rate in the prediction of postoperative residual hypertension in aldosterone-producing adenoma patients after adrenalectomy. CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA. 2021.SEP;520:147-153.

    35.   廖士程,張書森:後疫情時代的心理健康促進與自殺防治:醫學教育面向探討. 人文與社會科學簡訊. 2021.SEP;22:24-30.

    36.   Chan JH, Lo C, Hsu CD, Chiu CC, Huang MC, Liao SC, Chen IM, Chen WY, Chen HC, Kuo PH: Premenstrual dysphoric symptoms and lifetime suicide experiences in patients with mood disorder. GENERAL HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY. 2021.AUG;71:82-87.

    37.   Liao SC, Huang WL: Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Cognitions About Body and Health Questionnaire. NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISEASE AND TREATMENT. 2021.APR;17:1135-1144.

    38.   Huang WL, Liao SC, Gau SS: Association between Stroop Tasks and heart rate variability features in patients with somatic symptom disorder. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH. 2021.APR;136:246-255.

    39.   Pan CH, Lee MB, Wu CY, Liao SC, Chan CT, Chen CY: Suicidal ideation, psychopathology, and help-seeking in 15 to 19-year-old adolescents in Taiwan: A population-based study 2015-2019. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDER. 2021.MAR;282:846-851.

    40.   Wu CY, Lee MB, Liao SC, Chan CT, Chen CY: Adherence to World Health Organization guideline on suicide reporting by media in Taiwan: A surveillance study from 2010 to 2018. JOURNAL OF FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. 2021.JAN;120:609-620.

    41.   Chen HC, Wu CY, Lee MB, Liao SC, Chan CT, Chen CY: Sex-specific moderation effect of age on the associations between insomnia symptoms and various psychological distresses. NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP. 2021.JAN;13:93-102.

    42.   廖士程:校園心理健康促進及自殺防治. 學務通訊. 2021.JAN;982:4-5.

    43.   Chen HH, Chiang WC, Hsieh MJ, Lee CH, Yuan ZF, Lin HY, Chew LF, Huang EP, Yang CW, Liao SC, Lin CW, Lee MN, Ma MH: Experiences and psychological influences in lay rescuers performing bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A qualitative study. JOURNAL OF ACUTE MEDICINE. 2020.DEC;10:138-148.

    44.   Huang WL, Yang CCH, Kuo TBJ, Chen IM, Chen TT, Liao SC, Gau SS: The autonomic features of somatization diagnoses: somatic symptom disorder and persistent somatization. ASIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 2020.OCT;53:102356. (Corresponding author)

    45.   張奕涵,廖士程,林倩宇,許嘉月,張書森:台灣自殺死亡率趨勢之改變:連結點迴歸分析(1971-2018年). 台灣公共衛生雜誌. 2020.OCT;39:536-552.

    46.   Liao SC, Lee MB: An integrative curriculum of perseverance enhancement for medical students throughout their early career: Literature review and design proposal. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2020.SEP;24:113-125.