


商志雍Chi-yung Shang 我要掛號 回列表



  • 臺大醫院精神部 主治醫師 2007--迄今
    臺大醫學院精神科 教授 --迄今
  • 臺灣大學 醫學系 1988-1995
    臺灣大學 預防醫學研究所 碩士 2006-2007
    臺灣大學 臨床醫學研究所 博士 2007-2013
  • 臺大醫院內科部 住院醫師 1997-1998
    臺大醫院精神部 住院醫師 1998-2002
    臺北醫學大學附設醫院精神科 主治醫師 2002-2004
    臺大醫院精神部 第五年住院醫師 2004-2005
    臺大雲林分院精神部 主治醫師 2005-2007
  • 兒童青少年精神門診服務見習醫師、實習醫師、住院醫師教學及督導小兒部住院病人照會服務

  • 2002~2006

    1.      Shang CY, Soong WT, Lin HN*: Hypokalemia.with venlafaxine. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2002; 63: 1049-1050. [SCI]

    2.      Shang CY, Liao SC, Lee MB*: Trends of visiting rate of depressive outpatients in psychiatric clinic. Formosan J Med 2003; 7(4): 502-9. (in Chinese)

    3.      Shang CY, Tsai SY*: Risky sexual behaviors of psychiatric adolescent patients. Taiwanese J Psychiatry 2005;19(1):64-72. (in Chinese)

    4.      Shang CY, Gau SSF*, Soong WT: Association between childhood sleep problems and perinatal factors, parental mental distress, and behavior problems. Journal of Sleep Research 2006;15:63-73. [SCI]

    5.      Liu YC, Liu SK, Shang CY , Lin CH, Tu C, Gau SS*: Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Swanson, Nolan and Pelham, Version IV Scale. Taiwanese J Psychiatry 2006;20:290-304. (in Chinese)


    6.      Gau SS*, Shang CY, Merikangas KR, Chiu YN, Soong WT, Cheng ATA: Association between Morningness-Eveningness and Behavioral/Emotional Problems among Adolescents. Journal of Biological Rhythms 2007;22:268-274. [SCI]

    7.      Gau SS, Huang YS, Soong WT, Chou MC, Chou WJ, Shang CY, Tseng WL, Allen AJ, Lee P*: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial on Once-Daily Atomoxetine Hydrochloride in Taiwanese Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2007;17:447-459. [SCI]


    8.      Gau SS*, Shang CY, Liu SK, Lin CH, Swanson JM, Liu YC, Tu CL: Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham, version IV scale- Parent Form. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2008;17:35-44. [SSCI]


    9.      Chiu YN, Gau SS, Tsai WC, Soong WT, Shang CY (2009). Demographic and perinatal factors for behavioral problems among children aged 4-9 in TaiwanPsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 63 (4):569-76

    10.  Gau SS*, Lin CH, Hu FC, Shang CY, Swanson JM, Liu YC,  Liu SK (2009). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham, version IV scale- Teacher Form. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 34(8): 850-61 Epub 2008 Dec 12  [SSCI]

    11.  Gau SS*, Ni HC, Shang CY, Soong WT, WuYY, Lin LY, Chiu YN (2009). Psychiatric comorbidities among children and adolescents with persistent and remitted attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Australian New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (accepted)

    12.  Gau SS*, Shang CY (2009). Improvement of executive functions in boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: an open-label follow-up study with once-daily atomoxetine. International Journal of  Neuropsychopharmacology  (accepted) [SCI]

    13.  Gau SS, Chiu CD, Shang CY, Cheng AT, Soong WT.  Executive functions in adolescence among children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of  Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 2009 Oct 30. [Epub ahead of print] [SCI]


    14.  Chiang HL, Chiu YN, Shang CY, Tsai WC, Gau SS* .Pubertal development and emotional/behavioral problems, substance use, and suicidality among adolescents. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry (accepted) [SCI]

    15.  Gau SS*, Shang CY. Executive functions as endophenotypes in ADHD: Evidence from the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Battery (CANTAB).  Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (accepted) [SCI]

    16.  Gau SS, Lin YJ, Shang CY, Liu SK, Chiu YN. Emotional/behavioral problems and functional impairment in clinic- and community-based children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Taiwan. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (accepted) [SCI]

    17.  Chiang HL, Gau SS*, Ni HC, Chiu YN, Shang CY, Wu YY, Lin LY, Tai YM, Soong WT.  Association between Symptoms and Subtypes of Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Sleep Problems/Disorders. Journal of Sleep Research (accepted) [SCI]



    18.  Shang CY, Gau SS,* Liu CM, Hwu HG (2011).  Association between the dopamine transporter gene and the inattentive subtype of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Taiwan. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2011 Mar 30 35(2):421-8 [SCI] [NSC96-2628-B-002-069-MY3; NSC97-2314-B-002-018]

    19.    Yang LK, Shang CY, Gau SS* (2011) Psychiatric comorbidities in adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and their siblings. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 2011 May;56(5):281-92. [SCI] [NHRI-EX98-9407PC; NSC96-2628-B-002-069-MY3]

    20.    Huang CL, Shang CY, Shieh MS, Lin HN, Su JC: The interactions between religion, religiosity, religious delusion/hallucination, and treatment-seeking behavior among schizophrenic patients in Taiwan. Psychiatry Research. 2011. MAY; 187:347-53.

    21.    Gau SS*, Shang CY (2011). Visual Memory as Potential Cognitive Endophenotypes of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders. Psychological Medicine 2011 Dec 41:2603-14  [SCI] [NHRI-EX96-9407PC; NHRI-EX97-9407PC; NHRI-EX98-9407PC]


    22.    Hsu CY, Gau SS, Shang CY, Chiu YN, Lee MB: Association between chronotypes and psychopathology, and personality among income college student. Chronobiology International. [Accepted]