劉宏輝教授(Horng-Huei Liou)
- Yang NCC, Lee MJ, Chao CC, Chuang YT, Lin WM, Chang MF, Hsieh PC, Kan HW, Lin YH, Yang CC, Chiu MJ, Liou HH, Hsieh ST. Clinical presentations and skin denervation in amyloid neuropathy due to transthyretin Ala97Ser. Neurology 2010: 75:532-538 (SCI)
- Hung CC, Liou HH*.YC-1, a novel potential anticancer agent, inhibitmultidrug-resistant protein via cGMP-dependent pathway Investigational New Drugs 2010: in press (SCI). DOI: 10.1007/s10637-010-9496-1
- Tan CH, Chen YF, Chen CC, Chao CC, Liou, HH, Hsieh ST. Painful neuropathy due to skin denervation after metronidazole-induced neurotoxicity. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 2010: 82:462-466.(SCI)
- Hsieh LLC, Liou HH, Lee LH, Chen THH, Yen AMiF Effect of acupressure and trigger points in treating headache: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Chin Med 2010;38:1-14.
- Chiu MJ. Lin CW, Chen CC, Chen TF, Chen YF, Liu HM, Chu CP, Liou HH*, Hua MS. Impaired gist memory in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis. Epilepsia 2010;51:1036-1042. (SCI)
- Lin CJ, Tai Y, Huang MT, Tsai YF, Hsu HJ, Tzen KY, Liou HH, Cellular localation of the organic cation transporter, OCT1 and OCT2, in brain microvessel endothelial cells and its implication for MPTP transport across the blood-brain barrier and MPTP-induced dopaminergic toxicity in rodents. J Neurochem 2010;114:717-727.
- Chiou,MH; Huang,HC; Kao,YH; Hung,CC; Liou,HH. Pharmacogenomic Study ofPhenobarbital And Phenytoin : From Kinetic To Dynamic Targets. EPILEPSIA 2011AUG;52 :99-99
- Hung,CC; Ho,JL; Chang,WL; Tai,JJ; Hsieh,TJ; Hsieh,YW; Liou,HH . Association of genetic variants in six candidate genes with valproic acid therapy optimization. Pharmacogenomics 2011 AUG;12 (8) :1107-1117
- Hung,CC; Liou,HH, YC-1 . A novel potential anticancer agent, inhibit multidrug-resistant protein via cGMP-dependent pathway. Investigational New Drugs 2011 DEC;29 (6) :1337-1346
- Lee,CY; Lee,ML; Shih,CC; Liou,HH. Carisbamate (RWJ-333369) Inhibits Glutamate Transmission In The Granule Cell Of The Dentate Gyrus. Neuropharmacology 2011 DEC; 61 (8) :1239-1247
- Sheu,YH; Hsieh,MH; Liu,HH; Chiu,MJ; Liu,CM; Jaw,FS; Hwu,HG. A Study of Dipole Source Reconstruction of Auditory Duration and Frequency Mismatch Negativity in Schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry 2011 May;69 (9) :176-
- Shih,YH; Yen,AMF; Yen,DJ; Hung,LP; Chen,HH; Liou,HH. A Novel Postoperative Seizure Classification for Long-term Mortality of Patients With Intractable Epilepsy: Comparison With the Engel System. Neurosurgery 2011 Jul; 69 (1) 64-70
- Tan,CH; Chen,YF; Chen,CC; Chao,CC; Liou,HH; Hsieh,ST .Painful neuropathy due to skin denervation after metronidazole-induced neurotoxicity. Journal Of Neurology Neurosurgery And Psychiatry 2011 Apr;82 (4) :462-465
- Wang,WH; Liou,HH; Chen,CC; Chiu,MJ; Chen,TF; Cheng,TW; Hua,MS. Neuropsychological performance and seizure-related risk factors in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: A retrospective cross-sectional study. Epilepsy & Behavior 2011 Dec;22 (4) :728-734
- Lee CY, Jaw T, Tseng HC, Chen IC, Liou,HH*. Lovastatin modulates glycogen synthase kinase-3ß pathway and inhibits mossy fiber sprouting after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus. Plos One 2012;7:e38789. (SCI)
- Hung CC, Chang WL, Ho JJ, Tai JJ, Hsieh TJ, Huang HC, Hsieh YW, Liou,HH*. Association of polymorphisms in EPHX1, UGT2B7, ABCB1, ABCC2,SCN 1A and SCN2A genes with carbamazepine optimization.Pharmacogenomics 2012; 13:159-169 (SCI)
- Chen CC, Chen LS, Yen MF, Chen HH, Liou HH*. Geographic variation in the age- and gender-specific prevalence and incidence of epilepsy: analysis of Taiwanese National Health Insurance-based data. Epilepsia. 2012;53:283-290. (SCI)
- Hung CC, Huang HC, Gao YH, Chang WL, Ho JJ, Choou MH, Hsieh YW, Liou,HH*. Effects of polymorphisms in six candidate genes on phenytoin maintenance therapy in Han Chinese patients. Pharmacogenomics 2012; 13:1339-1349 (SCI)
- Huang PT, Lee CH, Liou HH*, Lou KL. Protein kinase C mediated pHi-regulation of ROMK1 channels via a phosphatidylinositol- 4,5-bisphosphate-dependent mechanism. J Mol Model 2012;18:2929-2941 (SCI)
- Hung CC, Chen PL, Huang WM, Tai JJ, Hsieh TJ, Ding ST, Hsieh YW, Liou HH*. Gene-wide tagging study of the effects of common genetic polymorphisms in the α subunits of the GABAA receptor on epilepsy treatment response. Pharmacogenomics 2013;14:1849-1856. (SCI)
- Kang KH, Liou HH, Hour MJ, Liou HC, Fu WM. Protection of dopaminergic neurons by 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor Neuropharmacology 2013;73 380-387. (SCI)
- Li YH, Chiu MJ, Yeh ZT, Liou HH, Cheng TW, Hua MS. Theory of mind in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. J Internation Neuropsychol Soc 2013;19: 594-600. (SCI)
- Kang KH, Ling TY, Liou HH, Huang HK, Hour MJ, Liou HC, Fu WM. Enhancement role of host 12/15-lipoxygenase in melanoma progression. Euro J Cancer 2013;49:2747-2759. (SCI)
- Lee CY, Liou,HH*. GABAergic tonic inhibition is regulated by developmental age and epilepsy in the dentate gyrus. NeuroReport 2013; 24: 515-519. (SCI)
- Lee, CH, Liou HH*. Pregabalin activates ROMK1 channels via cAMP-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C. Euro J Pharmacol 2014;740:35-44 (SCI)
- Chou MY, Lee CY, Liou HH*, Pan CY. Phenytoin inhibits evoked neurotransmission in cultured embryonic cortical neurons by prolonging Na+ channel recovery time. Neuropharmacology 2014;83:54-61.(SCI)
- Jiang-Xie FL, Liao HM, Chen CH, Chen YT, Ho SY, Lu DH, Lee LJ, Liou HH, Fu WM, Gau SSF. Autism-associated gene Dlgap2 mutant mice demonstrate exacerbated aggressive behaviors and orbitofrontal cortex deficits. Molecular Autism 2014;5:32. (SCI)
- Tsai SS, Liou HH, Muo CH; Lee CZ; Yen RF; Kao CH. Hepatitis C virusinfection as a risk factor of developing Parkinson's disease: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Neurology 2015 in press (SCI).
- Chen WT, Chen YC, Liou HH, Chao CY. Structural basis for cooperative oxygen binding and bracelet-assisted assembly of Lumbricus terrestris hemoglobin. Nature: Scientific Report 2015;5:9494 (SCI)
- Wu WYY, Kang KH, Chen SLS, Chiu SYH, Yen AMF, JCY Fann, CW Su , Liu HC, Lee CZ, Fu WM, Chen HH, Liou HH*. Hepatitis C virus infection: a risk factor for Parkinson's disease. J Viral Hepatitis 2015; 22:784-791.(SCI)
- Wen CJ, Yen AMF, Chiu SYH, Chen SLS, JCY Fann, Hwang YC, Chen TF, Wen YR, Liou HH*, Chen THH. Active and passive methods of detecting Parknison's disease. J Am Geriatr Soc 2015; 63:1261-1263 (SCI)
- Chieh CH, Lee MJ, Liou HC, Liou HH, Fu WM. Local immunosuppressive microenvironment enhances migration of melanoma cells to lungs in DJ-1 knockout mice. Plos One 2015;10:e0115827 (SCI)
- Tsai MS, Lee ML, Chang CY, Fan HH, Yu IS, Chen YT, You JY, Chen CY, Chang FC, Hsiao JH, Olga K, Liou HH, Yanagawa Y, Lee LJ, Lin SW. Functional and structural deficits of the dentate gyrus network coincide with emerging spontaneous seizures in an Scn1a mutant Dravet Syndrome model during development. Neurobio Dis 2015;77:35-48 (SCI).
- Chieh CH, Lee MJ, Liou HC, Liou HH, Fu WM. Microglia-derived cytokines/chemokines are involved in the enhancement of LPS-induced loss of nigrostriatal dopamenergic neurons in DJ-1 knockout mice. Glia 2015:in press (SCI).
- Tsai HH, Liou HH, Muo CH, Lee CZ, Yen RF and Kao CH. Hepatitis C virus infection as a risk factor for Parkinson disease: A nationwide cohort study. Neurology. 2016;86:840-6.
- Chien CH, Lee MJ, Liou HC, Liou HH and Fu WM. Growth hormone is increased in the lungs and enhances experimental lung metastasis of melanoma in DJ-1 KO mice. BMC Cancer. 2016;16:871.
- Tu HJ, Kang KH, Ho SY, Liou HC, Liou HH, Lin CP and Fu WM. Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) potentiates antinociception activity and inhibits tolerance induction of opioids. Br J Anaesth. 2016;117:512-520.
- Yu WH, Ho YL, Huang PT, Chu SL, Tsai HJ and Liou HH. The Phosphorylation State of GSK3beta Serine 9 Correlated to the Development of Valproic Acid-Associated Fetal Cardiac Teratogenicity, Fetal VPA Syndrome, Rescued by Folic Acid Administration. Cardiovasc Toxicol. 2016;16:34-45.
- Lee CH, Huang PT, Liou HH, Lin MY, Lou KL and Chen CY. Non-basic amino acids in the ROMK1 channels via an appropriate distance modulate PIP2 regulated pHi-gating. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016;473:303-10.