- Cho-Hsiang Yang, Tzung-Jeng Hwang*. Managing Agitation in Dementia through Feasible Investigation and Intervention: Implications from Psychotropic Medications Reduction Programs. Formosan Journal of Medicine, 2023 (accepted) [黃宗正]
- Tsai CW, Chang SS, Chen YY & Wu KCC, The Impact of Media Reporting of a Celebrity Suicide in Taiwan: a Qualitative Study, Journal of Suicidology 18(2), 565-568. (2023) [吳建昌]
- 吳建昌,第十章 公共衛生倫理理論及專業倫理準則,in 楊銘欽、高森永編輯,衛生法規與倫理(當代公共衛生學叢書),臺北市:巨流圖書股份有限公司,頁295-328 (2023) [吳建昌]
- 劉靜婷、吳建昌,功能性磁振攝影運用於探查病人意識─兼論病人自主權利法之「永久植物人狀態」,當代法律,第20期,頁168-179 (2023) [吳建昌]
- Wu KCC, Pharmaceutical cognitive enhancement: Entanglement with emotion, morality, and the context, in Fabrice Jotterend and Marcello Ienca eds., Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Cognitive Enhancement, pp. 340-355.(2023) [吳建昌]
- 吳建昌、劉靜婷,道歉是否能夠了事?結合論理與實證觀點論臺灣醫療事故道歉法制之建置,臺北大學法學論叢,126期,頁1-75 (2023) [吳建昌]
- 吳建昌、王宗揚,民事司法精神鑑定之介紹(三),月旦醫事法報告,第75期,頁118-129 (2023) [吳建昌、王宗揚]
- Liu CC*, Hsieh MH, Chien YL, Liu CM, Lin YT, Hwang TJ, Hwu HG. Guided antipsychotic reduction to reach minimum effective dose (GARMED) in patients with remitted psychosis: a 2-year randomized controlled trial with a naturalistic cohort. Psychological Medicine. 2023 Nov;53(15):7078-7086 [劉震鐘、謝明憲、簡意玲、劉智民、林奕廷、黃宗正、胡海國]
- Liu CC*, Hsieh MH, Chien YL, Liu CM, Lin YT, Hwang TJ & Hwu HG. Dose- tapering trajectories in patients with remitted psychosis undergoing guided antipsychotic reduction to reach minimum effective dose. European Psychiatry. 2023 Aug 14; [劉震鐘、謝明憲、簡意玲、劉智民、林奕廷、黃宗正、胡海國]
- Lin YT, Hsieh MH* (2023) Points that Need Attention in Early Auditory Information Processing Research in Schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 180 Issue 11: 841-842 [林奕廷、謝明憲]
- Chih-Ming Cheng, Wei-Hung Chang, Yi-Ting Lin, Po-See Chen, Yen-Kuang Yang, Ya-Mei Bai, TSBPN Bipolar Taskforce. Taiwan consensus on biological treatment of bipolar disorder during the acute, maintenance, and mixed phases: The 2022 update. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2023;82:103480.[林奕廷]
- Chih-Yuan Chuang, Yi-Ting Lin, Chen-Chung Liu, Lue-En Lee, Hsin-Yang Chang, An-Sheng Liu, Shu-Hui Hung, Li-Chen Fu. Multimodal assessment of schizophrenia symptom severity from linguistic, acoustic and visual cues. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2023;31:3469-79.[林奕廷、劉震鐘]
- Hsiao-I Kuo, Ming-Hsien Hsieh, Yi-Ting Lin, Michael A. Nitsche. Acute aerobic exercise at different intensities modulates motor learning performance and cortical excitability in sedentary individuals. eNeuro 2023;10(11): ENEURO.0182-23. 2023.[謝明憲、林奕廷]
- Hsiao-I Kuo, Ming-Hsien Hsieh, Yi-Ting Lin, Min-Fang Kuo, Michael A Nitsche. A single bout of aerobic exercise modulates motor learning performance and cortical excitability in humans. The International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 2023;23(1):100333.[謝明憲、林奕廷]
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- Wang YC, Liu CC, Chen KY, Wu YF, Yen YS, Bell MD, Chien YL (2023, Nov). Work performance and its clinical correlates in patients with chronic mental illness: The Chinese version of Vocational Cognitive Rating Scale and the work behavior inventory. Psychiatr Rehabil J, 10.1037/prj000059. [劉震鐘、吳益芳、顏吟珊、簡意玲]
- Chien YL, Liu CC, Chiu YN, Lin CC (2023, Apr). Assessing emotional characteristics in Asian autistic adults without intellectual disability.. Asian J Psychiatr, 82:103472.[簡意玲、劉震鐘、丘彥南]
- Chien YL, Tsai WC, Chen WH, Yang CL, Gau SS, Soong WT, Laugeson E, Chiu YN. (2023, Feb). Effectiveness, durability, and clinical correlates of the PEERS social skills intervention in young adults with autism spectrum disorder: the first evidence outside North America . Psychol Med., 53(3):966-976.[簡意玲、蔡文哲、高淑芬、宋維村]
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- Huang WL, Liao SC, Wu CS, Chiu YT. Clarifying the link between psychopathologies and heart rate variability, and the sex differences: Can neuropsychological features serve as mediators? J Affect Disord 2023;340:250-7. [黃偉烈、吳其炘、廖士程]
- Wu CS, Chen TT, Liao SC, Huang WC, Huang WL. Clinical outcomes, medical costs, and medication usage patterns of different somatic symptom disorders and functional somatic syndromes: a population-based study in Taiwan. Psychol Med 2023:1-9.[黃薇嘉、黃偉烈、吳其炘、廖士程]
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- Kimbrel NA, Ashley-Koch AE, Qin XJ, et al. Identification of Novel, Replicable enetic Risk Loci for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among US Military Veterans. JAMA Psychiatry 2023;80:135-45.[劉智民、胡海國、陳錫中、廖士程]
- Wang TY, Chen HC, Hsu CD, et al. The mediating effects of personality traits on the relationship of youth conduct problems and mood disorders with adulthood suicidality. Sci Rep 2023;13:4292.[王宗揚、陳宜明、陳錫中、簡意玲、廖士程]
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- Huang WL, Chang SS, Wu SC, Liao SC. Population-based prevalence of somatic symptom disorder and comorbid depression and anxiety in Taiwan. Asian J Psychiatr 2023;79:103382.[黃偉烈、吳其炘、廖士程]
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- Hung WK, Tung TH, Wang TY, Liao SC, Chi CC. Risk for incident suicidality among psoriasis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Dermatol Res 2023;315:455-65.[廖士程]
- Chang YH, Lin CY, Liao SC, et al. Societal factors and psychological distress indicators associated with the recent rise in youth suicide in Taiwan: A time trend analysis. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2023;57:537-49.[廖士程]
- Wu CS, Liao SC, Huang WL. Use of machine learning to diagnose somatic symptom disorder: Are the biomarkers beneficial for the diagnosis? The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry 2023;24:485-95.[黃偉烈、吳其炘、廖士程]
- 黃偉烈, 廖士程. 心身醫學暨照會聯商精神醫學新進展-緒言. 台灣醫學2023;27:588-9. [黃偉烈、廖士程]
- 單家祁, 黃偉烈, 廖士程. 心身醫學與照會聯商精神醫學之演進. 台灣醫學 2023;27:590-6. [單家祈、黃偉烈、廖士程]
- 黃偉烈, 廖士程. 功能性身體症狀的精神科觀點. 台灣醫學 2023;27:597-605.[黃偉烈、廖士程]
- 廖士程. 青少年心理健康與自殺防治:「上游」與「下游」議題孰輕孰重.台灣公共衛生雜誌 2023;42:587-9. [廖士程]
- 陳正哲, 林彥鋒, 廖士程. 非侵入性腦刺激於成癮醫學的進展. 台灣醫學 2023;27:619-24. [陳正哲、林彥鋒、廖士程]
- 馬家豪, 黃偉烈, 廖士程. 重複經顱磁刺激於心身醫學的應用. 台灣醫學 2023;27:613-8. [馬家豪、黃偉烈、廖士程]
- Wang YT, Hsu NW, Lin CH, Chen HC*: Concurrence of sleep-wake disturbances predicted 9-year mortality risk in community-dwelling older adults: the Yilan study, Taiwan. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological and Medical Sciences 2023;78:2371-2381.[陳錫中]
- Lin RA, Pan PJ, Hsu NW, Chen HC*: Associations between Various Sleep-Wake-Related Indicators and Nutritional Status in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: The Yilan Study, Taiwan. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2023;27:861-867.[陳錫中]
- Hsu NW, Lin CH, Yang NP, Chen HC, Chou P: Handgrip strength is associated with mortality in community-dwelling older adults: The Yilan Cohort Study, Taiwan. BMC Public Health 2023;23:2194.[陳錫中]
- Chang CE, Wang J, Lin YT, Chiu CC, Hsieh MH Huang , MC, Lu ML, Chen HC, Chen WJ, Kuo PH: Characterization of clinical features and comorbidities between bipolar affective disorder with and without depressive episodes. Psychological Medicine 2023;53:4103-4113.[林奕廷、謝明憲、陳錫中]
- Hung CS, Hsu NW, Chen HC*, Deng CY, Chou P: The Association between Bedtime and Cardiac Autonomic Control in Community-dwelling Older Adults – The Yilan Study, Taiwan. Chronobiology International 2023 40:644-652[陳錫中].
- Chen IM, Lin TY, Chien YL, Chen JYY, Chan JH, Liao SC, Kuo PH, Chen HC*: The Associations Between Working Conditions and Subjective Sleep Quality among Female Migrant Care Workers. Frontiers in Public Health 2023;11:1094513.[陳宜明、簡意玲、廖士程、陳錫中]
- Wang TY, Chen HC, Hsu CD, Chen IM, Liao SC, Chang CE, Chen YY, Chen JH,Kuo PH: Relationship Between Youth Conduct Problems and Adulthood Suicidality: Mediating Effects of Personality on Patients with Mood Disorders. Scientific Reports 2023;13:4292.[王宗揚、陳錫中、陳宜明、廖士程]
- Lin C, Chen IM, Chuang HH, Wang ZW, Lin HH, Lin YH. Examining Human-Smartphone Interaction as a Proxy for Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Insomnia: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2023;0:e0[陳宜明]
- Huang WC*, Hsu CY, Chang CM, Yang AC, Liao SC, Chang SS, Wu CS. Psychiatrist density and risk of suicide: a multilevel case-control study based on a national sample in Taiwan. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2023 Oct 9. [黃薇嘉、廖士程、吳其炘]
- Huang WC*, Wu CS, Chang KC, Chen HS, Chang CK, Hwang JJ, Huang SH, Chen YM, Cheng BW, Weng MH, Hsu CC, Huang WL. Can peripheral biomarkers reflect the psychological condition in geriatric populations? The influence of cardiovascular comorbidities. Psychogeriatrics. 2023 May;23(3):458-465. [黃薇嘉、吳其炘、黃偉烈]
- Lin YJ, Chiu YN, Wu YY, Tsai WC, Gau SS*. Developmental Changes of Autistic Symptoms, ADHD Symptoms, and Attentional Performance in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2023 Jul;53(7):2555-2569. [丘彥南、蔡文哲、高淑芬]
- Chiang HL, Tseng WY, Tseng WL, Tung YH, Hsu YC, Chen CL, Gau SS*. Atypical development in the white matter microstructures in ADHD: a longitudinal diffusion imaging study. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2023 Jan;79:103358. [高淑芬]
- Hsieh MY, Tuan LH, Chang HC, Wang YC, Chen CH, Shy HT, Lee LJ, Gau SS. Altered synaptic protein expression, aberrant spine morphology, and impaired spatial memory in Dlgap2 mutant mice, a genetic model of autism spectrum disorder. Cerebral Cortex 2023 Apr 4;33(8): 4779-4793. [高淑芬]
- Chien YL, Chen YJ, Tseng WL, Hsu YC, Wu CS, Tseng WI*, Gau SS*. Differences in white matter segments in autistic males, non-autistic siblings, and non-autistic participants: An intermediate phenotype approach. Autism 2023 May;27(4):1036-1052. [簡意玲、高淑芬]
- Ni HC, Chao YP, Tseng RY, Wu CT, Cocchi L, Chou TL, Chen RS, Gau SS, Yeh CH, Lin HY. Lack of effects of four-week theta burst stimulation on white matter macro/microstructure in children and adolescents with autism. Neuroimage: clinical 2023;37:103324. [高淑芬]
- Chang JC, Lai MC, Chien YL, Cheng CY, Wu YY, Gau SS*. Psychometric Properties of the Mandarin Version of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Generic. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2023 Jul;122(7):574-583. [張鎔麒、賴孟泉、簡意玲、高淑芬]
- Liao HC, Lin FJ, Hsu CN, Gau SS, Wang CC. Prescribing patterns for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among children and adolescents in Taiwan from 2004 to 2017. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2023 Jun;122(6):514-517. [高淑芬]
- Lee CY, Goh JOS, Gau SS*. Differential neural processing of value during decision-making in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and healthy controls. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience 2023 Mar 29;48(2):E115-E124. [高淑芬]
- Lee SH, Chia S, Chou TL, Gau SS*. Sex differences in medication-naïve adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a counting Stroop functional MRI study. Biological Psychology 2023 Apr;179:108552. [高淑芬]
- Chen T, Gau SS*, Wu YY, Chou TL*. Neural Substrates of Theory of Mind in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An fMRI Study of the Social Animation Task. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2023 Jul;122(7):621-628. [高淑芬]
- Ni HC, Chen YL, Chao YP, Wu CT, Chiu RS, Chou TL, Gau SS, Lin HY. A lack of efficacy of continuous theta burst stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in autism: a double blind randomized sham-controlled trial. Autism research 2023 Jun;16(6):1247-1262. [高淑芬]
- Chen MH, Huang CF, Lin YS, Chiu YN, Gau SS*, Wu YY*. Validation of the Mandarin Chinese version of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 for autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2023 July;105:102184. [丘彥南、高淑芬]
- Lee KS, Gau SS*, Tseng WL. Autistic Symptoms, Irritability, and Executive Dysfunctions: Symptom Dynamics from Multi-Network Models. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2023 Jul 15. doi: 10.1007/s10803-023-05981-0. [高淑芬]
- Chien YL, Tai YM, Chiu YN, Tsai WC, Gau SS*. The mediators for the link between autism and real-world executive functions in adolescence and young adulthood. Autism 2023 Jul 31:13623613231184733. [簡意玲、丘彥南、蔡文哲、高淑芬]
- Lin HT, Tai YM, Gau SS*. Autistic Traits and Cyberbullying Involvement Mediated by Psychopathologies and School Functions in a Nationally Representative Child Sample. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 2023 Sep;26(9):706-716. [林海笛、高淑芬]
- Chang JC, Lin HT, Wang YC, Gau SS*. Treatment-resistant depression in children and adolescents. Progress in Brain Research 2023:281:1-24. [張鎔麒、林海笛、王彥欽、高淑芬]
- Lin CW, Shieh JY, Tsui PH, Chen CL, Lu CH, Hung YH, Lee HY, Weng WC, Gau SS*. Acoustic radiation force impulse shear wave elastography quantifies upper limb muscle in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2023 Dec;101:106661. [高淑芬]
- Chien YL, Wu PY, Wu JH, Huang WL, Hsiao CC, Hsieh YT, Cheng T, Gau SS*, Chen WL* (2023) Corneal structural alterations in autism spectrum disorder: An in vivo confocal microscopy study. Autism Research 2023 Dec;16(12):2316-2325. [簡意玲、高淑芬]
- Meng LC, Lin CW, Lin YC, Huang ST, Chen YY, Shang CY, Wu CY, Chen LK, Chan KA, Hsiao FY*. Association between maternal benzodiazepine or Z-hypnotic use in early pregnancy and the risk of stillbirth, preterm birth, and small for gestational age: a nationwide, population-based cohort study in Taiwan. LANCET PSYCHIATRY. 2023 Jul;10(7):499-508 [商志雍]
- Chang JC, Lin HT, Wang YC, Gau SS*. Treatment-resistant depression in children and adolescents. Progress in Brain Research 2023:281:1-24. [張鎔麒、林海笛、王彥欽、高淑芬]
- Hai-Ti Lin*, Yueh-Ming Tai, and Susan Shur-Fen Gau. Autistic Traits and Cyberbullying Involvement Mediated by Psychopathologies and School Functions in a Nationally Representative Child Sample. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 26(9):706-716.(2023) [林海笛、高淑芬]
- Chia-Hao Ma, Hai-Ti Lin*, Tzu-Ting Chen, Kuan-Fu Lin, and Wei-Lieh Huang. Psychometric properties of the traditional Chinese version of the 20-item Decisional Balance Scale. Journal of Substance Use, 28(1), 94-100 (2023) [馬家豪、林海笛、陳姿婷、林冠甫、黃偉烈]