- 中國醫學大學附設醫院細胞治療中心 助理研究員 (2022-2024)
- 國立台灣大學生命科學系 博士後研究員 (2016-2022)
- 蛋白質體學與多體學
- 分子與細胞生物學
- 腫瘤學與癌症免疫治療
- 缺血性中風與神經新生
- Integrating multi-omics analysis to dissect the comprehensive molecular mechanisms in disease
- Deciphering the cell-cell communication within the tumor microenvironment during tumor progression
- Investigating the complexity of microenvironment in the peri-infarct area following ischemic stroke
- Discovering the role of microglia in modulating neuroplasticity and functional recovery after ischemic stroke
- Lin SL, Lee W, Liu SP, Chang YW, Jeng LB, Shyu WC. (2023). Novel programmed death ligand 1-AKT-engineered mesenchymal stem cells promote neuroplasticity to target stroke therapy. Molecular Neurobiology, s12035(023); 3779-3796. (Corresponding author)
- Chang YW, Yang TT, Chen MC, Liaw YG, Yin CF, Huang TY, Hou JT, Hung YH, Hsu CL, Huang HC, and Juan HF (2023) Spatial and temporal dynamics of ATP synthase from mitochondria toward the cell surface. Communications Biology, 6, 427. (First author)
- Kao YC, Chang YW, Lai CP, Chang NW, Huang HC, and Juan HF (2023) Ectopic ATP synthase stimulates the secretion of extracellular vesicles in cancer cells. Communications Biology, 6, 642.
- Hsu CL, Yin CF, Chang YW, Fan YC, Lin SH, Huang HC, and Juan HF (2022) LncRNA SNHG1 regulates neuroblastoma cell fate via interactions with HDAC1/2. Cell Death & Disease, 13(9), 809.
- Chang YW, Wang CC, Yin CF, Wu CH, Huang HC, and Juan HF (2022) Quantitative phosphoproteomics reveals ectopic ATP synthase on mesenchymal stem cells to promote tumor progression via ERK/c-Fos pathway activation. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : MCP, 21(6), 100237. (First author)
- Yin CF*, Chang YW*, Huang HC, & Juan HF (2022) Targeting protein interaction networks in mitochondria dynamics for cancer therapy. Drug Discovery Today, 27(4):1077-1087. (First author)
- Lee TT, Chen PL, Su M, Li JC, Chang YW, Juan HF, Yang JM, von Stockum S, Ziviani E, Wang HD, Chen CH (2021) Loss of Fis1 impairs proteostasis during skeletal muscle aging in Drosophila. Aging Cell, 20(6):e13379.
- Lin WH*, Chang YW*, Hong MX, Hsu TC, Lee KC, Lin C, and Lee JL (2021) STAT3 phosphorylation at Ser727 and Tyr705 differentially regulates the EMT–MET switch and cancer metastasis. Oncogene, 40(4):791-805. (First author)
- Chang YW, Hsu CL, Tang CW, Chen XJ, Huang HC, Juan HF (2020) Multiomics reveals ectopic ATP synthase blockade induces cancer cell death via a lncRNA-mediated phospho-signaling network. Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP, 19(11):1805-1825. (First author)
- Yin CF, Kao SC, Hsu CL, Chang YW, Cheung CHY, Huang HC and Juan HF (2020) Phosphoproteome Analysis Reveals Dynamic Heat Shock Protein 27 Phosphorylation in Tanshinone IIA-Induced Cell Death. Journal of Proteome Research, 19(4):1620-1634.
- Liang CJ, Wang ZW, Chang YW, Lee KC, Lin WH, and Lee JL (2019) SFRPs Are Biphasic Modulators of Wnt-Signaling-Elicited Cancer Stem Cell Properties beyond Extracellular Control. Cell Reports, 28 (6):1511-1525.
- Yang, TW*, Sahu D*, Chang YW*, Hsu CL, Hsieh CH, Huang HC, and Juan HF (2019) RNA-binding proteomics reveals MATR3 interacting with lncRNA SNHG1 to enhance neuroblastoma progression. Journal of Proteome Research, 18 (1):406-416. (First author)